With CSV export, you can access your CSVs in the Export Job Queue, as you do with PDFs that you generate. 使用CSV导出,您可以在ExportJobQueue中访问CSV,就像您使用生成的PDF一样。
The resulting CSV files are queued and processed in the same manner as exporting PDFs, so you must go to the Manage Export Job Queue to download the finished results. 可通过与导出PDF同样的方式来查询并处理结果产生的CSV文件,所以您必需转到ManageExportJobQueue来下载完成的结果。
These commands can be used to stop and start job queue devices thus stopping and starting job processing. 可以使用这些命令停止和启动作业队列设备,从而停止和启动作业处理。
If you wish to remove the second job spooler queue device so that only one job at a time is executed, run the following commands 如果希望删除第二个作业假脱机程序队列设备,从而每次只执行一个作业,那么运行以下命令
To view an example of job spooling across multiple queues ( assuming you created the second job spool queue device), run the following "for" loop to submit ten ( 10) jobs to the "bsh" job queue. 为了演示跨多个队列的作业假脱机(假设已经创建了第二个作业假脱机队列设备),运行下面的“for”循环,向“bsh”作业队列提交10个作业。
To create a shell script to use as an example for demonstrating job spooling across multiple job queue devices, run the following commands 运行以下命令创建一个shell脚本,以它为例演示跨多个作业队列设备的作业假脱机
As each page is read, new URIs are added to the job queue. 读取每个页面时,会将新的URI添加到作业队列。
The bsh job queue now allows a spooled job to be processed on each available device; if two devices are available, then two jobs can be processed simultaneously, one on each device. bsh作业队列现在可以在每个可用的设备上处理一个假脱机的作业:如果有两个可用设备,就可以同时处理两个作业,每个设备一个作业。
Notice that multiple jobs are in the RUNNING status and as each job completes, a QUEUED job is moved to the job spool device queue and executed. 注意,有多个作业处于RUNNING状态;每当一个作业完成时,一个QUEUED作业就转移到作业假脱机设备队列中并执行。
Back-up processing jobs should be scheduled some time after all overnight processing jobs so they are the last job in the spooler queue. 备份处理作业应该安排在所有夜间处理作业完成之后运行,所以它们是假脱机队列中最后一个作业。
Spooling sequential job processes on a system with multiple job queues requires that all jobs be directed to a single job queue device. 在有多个作业队列的系统上,对连续作业处理进行假脱机要求把所有作业转发到同一个作业队列设备。
Normally the job spooler queue bsh is disabled by default. 在默认情况下,作业假脱机程序队列bsh是禁用的。
Otherwise, the jobs would be sent to the first available job queue device. 在其他情况下,作业被发送到第一个可用的作业队列设备。
After adding another queue device, an lpstat-W shows multiple queue devices associated with the bsh job queue. 在添加另一个队列设备之后,使用lpstat-W命令显示与bsh作业队列相关联的多个队列设备。
However, if multiple job queue devices are configured and enabled, those processes requiring sequential execution must be restricted to a single job queue device. 但是,如果配置和启用多个作业队列设备,那么必须把需要连续执行的进程限制在单一作业队列设备上。
Submitting a job to the job spooler queue and to the at job scheduler simultaneously requires a compound command. 同时向作业假脱机程序队列和at作业调度程序提交作业需要一个复合命令。
If the job queue becomes too long, users will get tired of waiting for their reports. 但是如果任务队列太长,用户会不愿意等待他们的报表完成。
As many queue devices can be added to the job queue as needed to efficiently utilize the system resources, while maintaining a controlled spooling environment. 可以根据需要在作业队列中添加任意数量的队列设备,从而高效地利用系统资源,同时维持可控的假脱机环境。
Spool files created with the SCS format are commonly used for storing reports and job logs in an output queue so that they can be processed later by an application. SCS格式的spool文件通常用于存储输出队列中的报告和作业日志,以便应用程序稍后处理它们。
The Job class is used to retrieve messages in a job log and information about a job such as name, number, type, user, status, job queue, and more. Job类用于检索作业日志中的消息和作业相关信息,比如名称、编号、类型、用户、状态、作业队列等。
Multiple job queue devices can be created to increase the number of simultaneous jobs processed, and thus increase the system load and throughput. 通过创建多个作业队列设备,可以增加同时处理的作业数量,由此增加系统负载和吞吐量。
The scheduling problem of flexible job in shop is solved with genetic algorithm, job queue is allocated to specified machines according to working procedure. 采用遗传基因编码算法求解柔性作业车间调度问题,对工序进行排序并分配给各机床。
Your scan is the third job in the queue. 你的扫描排在第3位。
The logical workers take the job from the queue, and process it and send back the result by using some of the functions provided by the class. 逻辑工作线程从队列中渠道任务,进行处理,并通过使用一些类提供的函数将结果返回。
In the global pull model strategy, all the grid resources are assigned the same job queue. 在全局拉模式策略中,所有的网格资源都被指派使用同一个任务队列。
Cancel a fax job from the print queue. 从打印队列中取消传真作业。
This paper describes the theory and scheduler method of oracle 8 job queue. 阐述了Oracle8作业队列的工作原理,并介绍了Oracle8数据库调度作业的方法。
Based on the theories of task interlock and job queue, an efficient method for constructing macropipeline parallel algorithms is presented, and a set of linear and nonlinear macropipeline parallel algorithms for data signal processing are designed. 本文基于任务相关、作业排队等理论,提出构造宏流水线并行算法的一种有效方法,并且利用这种方法构成了一组用于数字信号处理的线性和非线性宏流水线并行算法。
And delivery time was ensured through defining specific location of the job in the queue by fuzzy rules. 为确保按期交货,在调度过程中运用模糊规则方法确定工件在队列中的具体位置。
Job Scheduling System creates queue priority listings according to the collected data and the appointed scheduling strategy, by which Resource Management System starts to execute jobs. 作业调度系统根据这些数据和指定的调度策略生成队列优先级列表。资源管理系统根据这个队列优先级列表执行作业。